Can Eucalyptus Plants in the Bathroom Affect My Dog?

Can Eucalyptus Plants in the Bathroom Affect My Dog?


Many pet owners, like yourself, worry about the safety of common household plants around their pets. Eucalyptus is one such plant often found in homes because of its pleasant aroma and aesthetic appeal. However, its safety when pets, particularly dogs, are involved can be a cause for concern. In this post, we’ll delve into the potential risks associated with having eucalyptus plants in your home, especially if you own a curious dog.

Understanding Eucalyptus Toxicity

Eucalyptus species, frequently kept as ornamental houseplants, can pose a significant risk to pets, including dogs. The primary concern is the essential oil present in eucalyptus leaves, which can be toxic to both dogs and cats if ingested.

Symptoms of Eucalyptus Toxicity in Dogs

When a dog is exposed to eucalyptus, particularly through ingestion or even extensive sniffing of the leaves, it may showcase various symptoms. These symptoms can surface within 15 to 20 minutes to a few hours. Here are some signs to watch for:

  • Excitement or hyperactivity
  • Rapid breathing
  • Increased heart rate
  • Drooling
  • Watery eyes
  • Vomiting
  • Voiding of urine and feces
  • Muscle spasms
  • Mucous membranes turning from bright red to bluish color

In severe cases, toxicity can lead to convulsions and potentially be fatal within 30 to 45 minutes. However, if the animal survives more than 2 hours after symptoms begin, the chances for recovery increase, provided continuous absorption of cyanide from the gastrointestinal tract is halted.

Preventive Measures

Given the potential risks, it's crucial to take preventive measures if you have eucalyptus plants in your home. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Out of Reach: Ensure that the plant is well out of your dog’s reachable area. Hanging it in a spot that your dog cannot access or sniff is advisable.
  2. Ventilation: Be cautious about the bathroom door. While keeping the door closed is a good measure, ensure proper ventilation to prevent the scent from spreading.
  3. Monitor Behavior: Keep a close watch on your dog's behavior. If they show unusual interest in the bathroom, it could be a sign that the scent is strong and attracting them.
  4. Alternative Plants: Consider replacing eucalyptus with pets-safe plants if you’re concerned. There are many equally aromatic and beautiful plants that are not toxic to pets.

Immediate Actions If Exposure Occurs

If you suspect your dog has been exposed to eucalyptus and shows any symptoms of toxicity, immediate veterinary attention is crucial. Treatments, such as sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate, can act as antidotes. Providing oxygen might also be beneficial, especially for dogs.


While eucalyptus plants add a lovely touch to your home, they come with significant risks for pet owners. Keeping your German Shepherd mix safe should be a priority. By taking the necessary preventative measures and monitoring your dog's exposure to this plant, you can enjoy the benefits of eucalyptus without compromising your canine friend’s health.

Further Reading

For more detailed information on plant toxicity, you can refer to:


  • MSD Veterinary Manual: Special Pet Topics, Poisoning, Cyanide Poisoning.
  • MSD Veterinary Manual: Toxicology, Cyanide Poisoning, Cyanide Poisoning in Animals.

Stay informed and keep your furry friends safe!

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